Sustainable Fishing

Management, Processing and Commercialization of fishery resources in communities near SAN JUAN DE HUASHALADO AND SAN RAFAÉL

I. Executive Summary

The development of a project to generate a supply of fishing resources from the lower Amazon area, mainly addresses the vision of generating sustainable products and services, proposing the application of realistic alternatives that guarantee the use of hydrobiological resources, with the basis of compliance with regulatory requirements, respecting the ecosystem.

The integration of trade sustainability criteria in regard to generating a supply of fish production for direct human consumption while guaranteeing a product that improves their income constitutes a management challenge for current and potential producers in the area.

The global trend for the consumption of natural products has generated a unique opportunity with economic, social and environmental scope for the area rich in biodiversity. Regional, national and international market trends show that consumers are increasing their demand for products, under sustainable conditions.

Among these challenges, the fish trade must adequately meet the requirements demanded by consumers in the different markets interested in this product, just as any other economic activity seeks success in the market. For this purpose, there are a series of objectives, actions, activities, and work procedures that must be carefully analyzed, developed, and implemented correctly for the success and sustainability of the fish meat business.

This proposal considers a management methodology for all the key activities to be developed and provides a management tool for the proposal plan, establishing the mechanisms to achieve it in the next three years.

The project proposal and the development of a pilot plan have been prepared on the basis of a work methodology with a qualitative and quantitative approach, developed through field interviews, involving analysis, evaluation of the sector and the participation of the individual supply chain links, through surveys carried out directly to institutions, entrepreneurs in the fishing sector and fishermen.

Click Here to download full project plan.

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